Prof. M.D. Gülşah BADEMCİ

Prof. M.D.



Prof. Dr. Gülşah Bademci is a physician specialized in the field of brain, nerve, spine, and spinal cord surgery. She graduated as the fourth-ranked student from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1993. She obtained her title as a brain and nerve surgeon from the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Brain and Nerve Surgery in 2001. In 2008, she became an associate professor at the Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine, and in 2021, she became a professor at the Yüksek İhtisas University Faculty of Medicine. She has contributed to numerous international publications, serving as a research and clinical fellow at the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences with Prof. Dr. M. Gazi Yaşargil, and as a research fellow at Yale University School of Medicine. She holds ECFMG America Board Step 1 and EANS European Board certificates. She speaks advanced-level English and has awards in tennis and swimming. She also pursues professional-level caricature art and medical illustration. In her 30-year career, she has performed numerous surgeries as a brain and nerve surgery specialist, particularly in spinal canal stenosis surgery, lumbar and cervical disc herniations, brain tumors, hydrocephalus surgery, and nerve compressions.

1984-1987 High School: Ankara Mustafa Kemal Anatolian High School; Top student of the school.
1987-1993 University: Ankara University Faculty of Medicine; School Fourth.
1995-2001 Specialization: Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery.
2001-2008 Associate Professor: Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery.
2021-2023 Professor: Yüksek İhtisas University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery.

Study Abroad:
1999-2000 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), Department of Neurosurgery; Prof.Dr.Gazi Yaşargil-Research Fellowship; Little Rock, AR, USA.
2005-2006 Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery-Neurovascular Research Fellowship; New Haven, CT, USA.
31998-2001 The European Association of Neurological Societies (EANS) European Board Certification.
2005 Navigation training and certification. Medtronic Academia, Louisville, Colorado, USA.
2012 Advanced drilling techniques training and certification. Midas Rex, Medtronic Academia, Tolochenaz, Switzerland.
2018 Microsurgery training and certification. Zeiss Medical Solutions.

Spinal canal stenosis surgery
-Microsurgery of herniated disc
-Neck hernia microsurgery
-Brain tumors surgery
-Dementia surgery

1993-1994 Istanbul Bakırköy Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Hospital, Psychiatry Research Assistant
1994-1995 Ankara Oncology Hospital, General Surgery Research Assistant
1999-2000 Research Fellow in Neurosurgery: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Department of Neurosurgery, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
2001-2008 Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Associate Professorship
2005-2006 Research Fellow in Neurosurgery: Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
2008-2011 KKTC State Hospitals and private hospitals founding neurosurgeon
2011-2017 Private Selcuklu Hospitals, Karaman/Konya
2018-2020 Liv Ankara Hospital
2020-2023 VM Medical Park Ankara Hospital
2023 Ankara Private Koru Hospital

Turkish Neurosurgery Association (TND)
TND; Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Education and Training Group
TND; neurovascular group
TND; Neuroanatomy group
Turkish Medical Association (TTB)
Ankara Medical Chamber (ATO)
EANS European Board
ECFMG-Step 1 United States Board

1. Ankara Mustafa Kemal Anatolian High School, First Place, 1984-1987.
2. Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, School Fourth, 1987-1993.
3. Batay, F., Bademci, G., N. Egemen, “Effects of Vitamin C and Vitamin E on free oxygen radicals on ischemia-reperfusion model of rabbits. Turkish Neurosurgical Society 12nd Scientific Congress, Çeşme, Turkey 1998, Poster Second Prize.
4. Bademci, G., Saygun, M., Batay, F., Cakmak, A., Basar, H., Anbarci, H., B. Unal, “Prevalence of Primary Tethered Cord Syndrome Associated with Occult Spinal Dysraphism in Primary School Children in Turkey,” , Association of Surgical Nervous System 2nd National Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006, Scientific Research Second Prize.
5. Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine, Best Academician Award; 2006.
6. Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine, Best Academician Award; 2007.
7. TUBITAK NATO Science Scholarship (B.02.1.TBT., 2005.
8. T.B.M.M. Arts, Culture and Publishing Committee; Special Jury Prize, 1987.
9. International Cartoon Contest, Cyprus Turkish Cartoons Society and Akrep Cartoon Journal Jury Private Award, 1988.

     1. Nergizoğlu, G., Duman, N., Ertürk, S., Keven, K., Ateş, K., Akar, H., Bademci, G., Berk, Ç., Erekul, S., Erbay, B. ., Karatan, O., Ertuğ, A.E. “Tuberculosis of the Skull in a Patient on Maintenance Haemodialysis”, Nephrol Dial Transplant, 14 (8), 2019-2021 (1999).
2. Karadeniz Bilgili, Y.M., Unal, B., Kendi, T., Simsir I., Erdal, H., Huvaj, S., Kara, S., Bademci, G. “ The Effect of Aging on the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of Normal Appearing White and Gray Matter”, Tani Girisim Radyol, 10 (1), 4-7 (2004).
3. Bademci, G., Batay, F., Yorulmaz, I., Küçük, B., Çağlar, Ş. “Selective Microsurgical Vestibular Neurectomy: An Option in the Treatment of Intractable Vertigo and Related Microsurgical Landmarks”, Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, 47 (1), 54-57 (2004).
4. Birol, A., Bademci, G. “Faun Tail: Diagnosis of Occult Spinal Dysraphism with a Rare Cutaneous Marker”, The Journal of Dermatology, 31 (3), 251-252 (2004).
5. Kendi, T.K., Çağlar, S., Huvaj, S., Bademci, G., Kendi, M., Alparslan, S. “Suprasellar Germ Cell Tumor with Subarachnoid Seeding MRI and MR Spectroscopy Findings”, Journal of Clinical Imaging, 28 (6), 404-407 (2004).
6. Evliyaoğlu, Ç., Bademci, G., Yucel, E., Keskil, S. “Pott's Puffy Tumor of the Vertex Years After Trauma in a Diabetic Patient: Case Report”, Neurocirugia (Astur), 16 (1), 54-57 (2005).
7. Evliyaoglu, C., Kizartici, T., Bademci, G., Unal, B., Keskil, S. “Ceftriaxone-Induced Symptomatic Pseudolithiasis Mimicking ICP Elevation”, Zentralbl Neurochir, 66 (2), 92-94 (2005) ).
8. Bademci, G., Batay, F., Sabuncuoglu, H. “First Detailed Description of Axial Traction Techniques by Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu in the 15th Century”, Eur Spine J, 14 (8), 810-812 (2005).
9. Bademci, G., Batay, F., Tascioglu, A.O. “Non-Traumatic Elevation Techniques of the Hypoglossal Nerve During Carotid Endarterectomy: A Cadaveric Study”, Minim Invasive Neurosurg, 48 (2), 108-112 (2005).
10. Bademci, G., Batay, F., Vural, E., Avci, E., Al-Mefty, O., Yaşargil, M.G. “Microsurgical Anatomical Landmarks Associated with High Bifurcation Carotid Artery Surgery and Related to Hypoglossal Nerve”, Cerebrovasc Dis, 19 (6), 404-406 (2005).
11. Avci, E., Bademci, G., Ozturk, A. “Posterior Communicating Artery: From Microsurgical, Endoscopic and Radiological Perspective”, Minim Invasive Neurosurg, 48 (4), 218-223 (2005).
12. Kendi, T., Bademci, G. “Postoperative Spinal Ultrasonography Findings in Spinal Dysraphia”, Diagn Intervent Radiol, 11 (3), 142-144 (2005).
13. Bademci, G., Evliyaoglu, C., Keskil, S. “Proximally Situated Osseous Septum in Complex Spina Bifida: Case Report”, J Neurosurg (Pediatrics 1), 102, 92-95 (2005).
14. Bademci, G., Erdemoglu, A. K., Evliyaoglu, C., Atasoy, P., Keskil, S. “Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Associated to Familial Mediterranean Fever”, Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 108 (1), 77-79, (2005).
15. Avci, E., Bademci, G., Ozturk, A. “Microsurgical Landmarks for Safe Removal of Anterior Clinoid Process”, Minim Invasive Neurosurg, 48 (5), 268-272 (2005).
16. Bademci, G., Yucel, E., Aliefendioglu, D. “Cerebral MRI Findings in Neonatal Hypoglycemia: Review Article”, Journal of Pediatric Neurology (JPN), 3 (3), 137-140, (2005).
17. Bademci, G., Saygun, M., Batay, F., Cakmak, A., Basar, H., Anbarci, H., Unal, B. “Prevalence of Primary Tethered Cord Syndrome Associated with Occult Spinal Dysraphism in Primary School Children in Turkey”, Pediatr Neurosurg, 42 (1), 4-13 (2006).
18. Unal, B., Bademci, G., Bilgili, Y. K., Batay, F., Avci, E. “Risky Anatomic Variations of Sphenoid Sinus for Surgery”, Surg Radiol Anat, 28 (2), 195-201 (2006) ).
19. Ozturk, A. K., Nahed, B. V., Bydon, M., Bilguvar, K., Goksu, E., Bademci, G., Guclu, B., Johnson, M. H., Amar, A., Lifton, R. P., Gunel, M. “Molecular Genetic Analysis of Two Large Kindreds with Intracranial Aneurysms Demonstrates Linkage to 11q24-25 and 14q23-31”, Stroke, 37 (4), 1021-1027 (2006).
20. Bademci, G., “First Illustrations of Female “Neurosurgeons” in the Fifteenth Century by Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu”, Neurocirugia (Astur), 17 (2), 162-165 (2006).
21. Bademci, G., Yaşargil, M.G. “Microsurgical Anatomy of the Hypoglossal Nerve”, J Clin Neurosci, 13 (8), 841-847 (2006).
22. Bademci, G., Batay, F., Yaşargil, M.G. “Triple Cross of the Hypoglossal Nerve and Its Microsurgical Impact to Entrapment Disorders”, Minim Invasive Neurosurg, 49 (4), 234-237 (2006).
23. Aliefendioglu, D., Bademci, G., Kara, S. “Long-Term MRI Findings of a Case with Persistent Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia of Infancy (Nesidioblastosis)”, Eur J Radiol Extra, 60 (2), 79-84 ( 2006).
24. Kendi, A. T. K., Bademci, G., Kara, S. A., Keskil, S., H. H. Erdal, “MR Spectroscopy of Cervical Spinal Cord in Patients with Clinical and/or Electrophysiologic Signs of Spinal Cord Compression”, Rivista Di Neuroradiologia, 19 (1), 134-139 (2006).
25. Keskil, S., Bademci, G., Goksel, M. “Tracing the Dural Tail With Image-Guided Surgery”, Min

im Invasive Neurosurg, 49 (6), 357-358 (2006).
26. Bademci, G., Kendi, T., Agalar, F. “Persistent Metopic Suture Can Masqueraze Skull Fractures in the Emergency Setting?”, Neurocirugia (Astur), 18 (3), 238-240 (2007).
27. Bademci, G., “Pitfalls in the Management of Cushing's Disease: A Review”, J Clin Neurosci, 14, 401-408 (2007).
28. Bademci, G., Tun, K., Erden, E., Evliyaoglu, C., Unlu, A. “Late Dissemination of Ependymoma: Case Report”, Neurocirugia (Astur), 18 (4), 333-336 ( 2007).
29. Aliefendioglu, D., Bademci, G., Keskil, S., Somuncu, S., Misirlioglu, E., Cakmak, M. “VACTERL-H Associated With Central Hypothyroidism: A Case Report”, Genet Couns, 18 ( 3), 331-335 (2007).
30. Batay, F., Bademci, G., Deda, H. “Critically Located Cavernous Malformations”, Minim Invasive Neurosurg, 50 (2), 71-76 (2007).
31. Bademci, G., Basar, H., Sahin, S., Ozcakir, S., Anbarci, H., Evliyaoglu, C., Keskil, S. “Can Facet Joint Infiltrative Analgesia Reduce Postoperative Pain in Degenerative Lumbar Disc Surgery ?”, Neurocirugia (Astur), 19 (1), 45-49 (2008).
32. Kazkayasi, M., Batay, F., Bademci, G., Bengi, O., Tekdemir, I. “The Morphometric and Cephalometric Study of Anterior Cranial Landmarks for Surgery”, Minim Invasive Neurosurg, 51 (1), 21 -25 (2008).
33. Bademci, G. Extremely Delayed Renal Cell Carcinoma Metastasis Mimicking Convexity Meningioma. Turk Neurosurg, 18 (4), 400-403 (2008).
34. Bademci, G., Bozdogan, O., Berdan, F., Evliyaoglu, C. Extremely Delayed Renal Cell Carcinoma Metastasis Mimicking Convexity Meningioma. Neurocirugia (Astur), 19 (6), 562-564 (2008).

1. Kanpolat, Y., Savaş, A., Berk, Ç., Bademci, G. “ A new method for rehabilitation and treatment of spasticity : Percutaneous selective obturatory and posterior tibial radiofrequency neurotomy”, Physical Medicine Journal, 1 (1) , 47-50 (1998).
2. Berk, Ç., Çolpan, E., Bademci, G., Erdoğan, A. “New radiologic definitions and clinical correlation in lumbar disc herniation”, Journal of Ankara Medical School, 51 (3), 159-162 (1998) ).
3. Arasil, E., Dinçer, C., Erdem, A., Attar, A., Bağdatoğlu, C., Silav, G., Bademci, G. ”Primary central nervous system lymphomas”, Van Medical Journal, 5 ( 2), 100-103 (1998).
4. Berk, Ç., Bademci, G., Arasil, E. “A New Method for Reconstruction of Cranial Bony defects: Technical Note with illustrative Case”, Journal of Ankara Medical School, 21 (2), 113-115 (1999) ).
5. Savaş, A., Deda, H., Bademci, G. “Combined Transpetrosal-Transtentorial Approach for Excision of Petroclival Tumors”, Turkish Neurosurgery, 10 (1-2), 14-21 (2000).
6. Tun, K., Ünlü, A., Silav, G., Bademci, G., Arasıl, E. “Rhinorrhea: A complication of transsphenoidal surgery”, Turkish Neurosurgery, 10 (3), 206-210 (2000) .
7. Bağdatoğlu, C., Silav, G., Kanık, A., Dolgun, H., Bademci, G., Deda, H. “The Importance of Flow Cytometric DNA Analysis in Glial Tumors”, Turkish Neurosurgery, 11 (1 -2), 18-25 (2001).
8. Bademci, G., Batay, F., Erdemli, E., Erdoğan, A. “Studies on early histopathological changes in ligamentum flavum of lumbar discopathies”, Turkish Neurosurgery, 11 (1), 23-26 (2001).
9. Ünlü, A., Bademci, G., Aydın, Z., Iskandar, B. “Optic nerve regeneration”, Turkish Neurosurgery, 11 (2), 83-86 (2001).
10. Çolpan, E., Üçkardeşler, L., Serdaroğlu, A., Bademci, G., Bilir, E., Erdem, A. “The evaluation of first experiences in vagus nerve stimulation in epilepsy treatment”, Turkish Neurosurgery, 11 (2), 87-92 (2001).
11. Bademci, G. “Educational programs of internal service at university hospitals”, Medical Education World Journal, 11, 28-31 (2003).
12. Bademci, G., Ünlü, A., Batay, F., Bilgili, Y.K., Ilhan, E. “The importance of Diffusion MR in early diagnosis of diffuse axonal injury”, Turkish Neurosurgery, 13 (2), 152- 156 (2003).
13. Bademci, G., Evliyaoğlu, Ç., Keskil, S. “Preventing pitfalls of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome”, The Journal of Kirikkale University Faculty of Medicine, 5 (1), 27-30 (2003).
14. Bademci, G., Anbarcı, H., Evliyaoğlu, C., Keskil, S. “The use of ultrasonic aspirator system in the management of the giant intracranial tumors”, The Journal of Kirikkale University Faculty of Medicine, 6 (1 ), 6-9 (2004).
15. Bademci, G., Aydın, Z., Batay, F., Attar, A., Çağlar, Ş. “Assessment for efficacy of vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty in the treatment of painful osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures in elderly patients”, Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 8 (1), 5-9 (2005).
16. Bademci, G., Aslan, N., Yücel, E., Saygun, M., Özen, N. E., Ulu, N., Evliyaoğlu, Ç., Keskil, S. “Correlation of Psychological Assessment Using SCL-90- R Scale with Surgical Outcome”, Turkish Neurosurgery, 15 (1), 1-3 (2005).
17. Bademci, G., Ünal, B. “Surgical Importance of Neurovascular Relationships of Paranasal Sinus Region”, Turkish Neurosurgery, 15 (2), 93-96 (2005).
18. Öztürk, M. H., Ünal, B., Bademci, G., Bilgili, Y. “Non-surgical intracranial tumors: lipomas”, Turkish Journal of Neurology, 11 (2),

162-166 (2005).
19. Unal, B., Bademci, G., Bilgili, Y.K. “Flow parameters of middle cerebral artery are effected by the increase of carotid intima-media thickness?”, Turkish Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases, 11 (2), 75-80 (2005).
20. Ünal, B., Öztürk, H., Bilgili, Y., Bademci, G. “Corpus Callosum Agenesis and associated intracranial malformations”, The Journal of Kirikkale University Faculty of Medicine, 7 (1), 31-33 (2005) ).
21. Başkal, N., Bademci, G., Günalp, M., Karakan, Z.C. “Prof. Dr. Gürbüz Erdoğan”, Dialog Journal in Endocrinology, 2 (1), 1-3 (2005).
22. Bademci, G., Berdan, F., Evliyaoğlu, C., Keskil, S. “Clinical experiences in Neuronavigation”, Journal of Medical Sciences, 27, 195-200 (2007).


1. Evliyaoğlu, Ç., Bademci, G. “Central and Peripheral Nervous System Tumors”, Ed. M. C. Akbostancı and S. Ulkatan (Handbook of Differential Diagnosis in Neurology, Ed. N. P. Poolos, Butterworth-Heinemann, Houston, Texas), 81-95, Güneş Kitabevi, Ankara, 2003.

2. Bademci, G., Bozkurt, M., Attar, A. “Cage systems for spinal surgery”, Spinal Instrumentation, ed. S. Naderi, 243-254, META Publishing, İzmir, Turkey, 2004.

3. Yilmaz, E., Batislam, E., Bozdogan, O., Basar, H. and M. Basar, “Torsion of an Epididymal Cyst”, Acknowledgments: Bademci, G., Int J Urol, 11, 182-183 (2004).


1. Bademci, G.: Journal cover page, Turkish Neurosurgery, 10 (1-2), 2000.
2. Bademci, G.: Journal cover page, Turkish Neurosurgery, 10 (3), 2000.
3. Bademci, G.: Journal cover page, Turkish Neurosurgery, 11 (2), 2001.
4. Bademci, G.: Journal cover page, Bulletin of Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group, 23, 2004.
5. Bademci, G.: Journal cover page, Turkish Neurosurgery, 14 (2), 2004.
6. Bademci, G.: Book cover page, Degenerative disc disease, Ed: Prof.Dr.F. Ozer, Assoc. S. Naderi, META Basım Printing, İzmir.