

The Psychology unit in our hospital offers a comprehensive consultancy service to meet the different needs of individuals, couples and families.

In the dedicated psychological support unit within our hospital, a comprehensive range of counseling services is extended to cater to the diverse needs of adolescents, adults, couples, and families.


  • Family Therapy: This specialized therapeutic modality involves a holistic evaluation of the family as a dynamic system, placing a distinct focus on relationships rather than individual concerns. Unlike conventional therapeutic approaches, family therapy considers the interconnectedness of family members and the challenges that arise within these intricate dynamics. It encompasses not only traditional marital therapy involving spouses but also encourages the active participation of children in the therapeutic process.

Primary Areas Covered in Family and Marriage Therapy

  • Communication Challenges within the Family: Addressing issues related to effective communication among family members, fostering understanding and empathy.
  • Divorce Proceedings: Offering support and guidance during the challenging process of divorce, ensuring emotional well-being for all involved parties.
  • Marriage Preparation: Assisting couples in preparing for marriage, exploring expectations, and establishing a strong foundation for a lasting partnership.
  • Issues Related to Second Marriages: Navigating the unique challenges that arise in second marriages, fostering understanding and harmony within blended families.
  • Relationship Development and Enhancement Efforts: Providing strategies to strengthen and enhance relationships, promoting healthy dynamics within the family unit.
  • Infidelity: Addressing the sensitive issues surrounding infidelity, facilitating open communication, and exploring avenues for rebuilding trust.
  • Child-Related Concerns: Tackling challenges related to parenting, behavioral issues, and fostering a supportive environment for children within the family structure.
  • Intense Conflicts: Managing and resolving severe conflicts within the family unit, promoting healthy communication and conflict resolution skills.
  • Core Family Problems: Identifying and addressing fundamental issues affecting the family system at its core, facilitating transformative change.
  • Sexual Issues: Offering a safe space to explore and address concerns related to intimacy and sexual dynamics within relationships.


  • Depression: Recognizing that depression is a complex psychological disorder impacting emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. While occasional feelings of sadness are common, depression manifests as a prolonged and pervasive condition negatively affecting an individual's daily functioning. Timely intervention and treatment are crucial to mitigating its adverse effects on one's life.
  • Anxiety Disorders: Acknowledging that anxiety is a natural response essential for adaptation and protection against potential threats, this counseling facet focuses on addressing abnormal intensifications of anxiety. Various anxiety disorders, including Phobias, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, are explored, with tailored therapeutic approaches employed based on individual needs.

Additional Counseling Services Provided by Our Psychology Department

  • Enhancing Stress Coping Skills: Equipping individuals with effective strategies to manage and cope with stressors in daily life.
  • Anger Management: Providing tools and techniques to understand and manage anger in a constructive manner.
  • Grief Process: Assisting individuals in navigating the complex emotions associated with loss and facilitating the grieving process.
  • Eating Disorders: Addressing issues related to disordered eating patterns and fostering a healthy relationship with food.
  • Obesity: Offering support for individuals dealing with obesity, focusing on holistic well-being and lifestyle changes.
  • Exam Anxiety: Assisting individuals in managing anxiety related to academic and professional examinations.
  • Adolescent Problems: Catering to the unique challenges and concerns faced by adolescents, providing a supportive and understanding environment.
  • Psychological Support in Cancer: Recognizing that a cancer diagnosis brings about not only physical challenges but also significant psychological and emotional burdens for both patients and their families. The role of psychological support becomes paramount from the moment of diagnosis, extending throughout the treatment journey. This comprehensive support aims to enhance coping skills, provide a platform for the expression of emotions, ease the management of anxiety and depression, and ultimately elevate the psychological well-being and quality of life for individuals affected by cancer and their families.